2014-06-30 21:24:29 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env julia
2016-07-28 00:55:56 -04:00
if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev+7720"
using Base.Test
using BaseTestNext
2016-03-20 00:28:56 -04:00
using PortAudio
2016-03-31 11:07:46 -04:00
using SampledSignals
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
using RingBuffers
2016-03-19 21:56:42 -04:00
2016-03-20 05:09:56 -04:00
# these test are currently set up to run on OSX
2014-06-30 21:24:29 -04:00
2016-03-20 05:09:56 -04:00
@testset "PortAudio Tests" begin
2016-03-23 23:25:03 -04:00
devs = PortAudio.devices()
i = findfirst(d -> d.maxinchans > 0, devs)
indev = i > 0 ? devs[i] : nothing
i = findfirst(d -> d.maxoutchans > 0, devs)
outdev = i > 0 ? devs[i] : nothing
i = findfirst(d -> d.maxoutchans > 0 && d.maxinchans > 0, devs)
duplexdev = i > 0 ? devs[i] : nothing
@testset "Reports version" begin
io = IOBuffer()
result = takebuf_string(io)
# make sure this is the same version I tested with
@test result ==
"""PortAudio V19-devel (built Aug 6 2014 17:54:39)
Version Number: 1899
2016-03-22 22:45:40 -04:00
@testset "PortAudio Callback works and doesn't allocate" begin
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
inbuf = rand(Float32, 16) # simulate microphone input
sourcebuf = LockFreeRingBuffer(Float32, 64) # the microphone input should end up here
testin = zeros(Float32, 16)
2016-03-22 22:45:40 -04:00
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
outbuf = zeros(Float32, 24) # this is where the output should go
sinkbuf = LockFreeRingBuffer(Float32, 64) # the callback should copy this to outbuf
testout = rand(Float32, 24)
write(sinkbuf, testout) # fill the output ringbuffer
info = PortAudio.CallbackInfo(2, sourcebuf, 3, sinkbuf)
2016-03-22 22:45:40 -04:00
# handle any conversions here so they don't mess with the allocation
inptr = pointer(inbuf)
outptr = pointer(outbuf)
nframes = Culong(8)
flags = Culong(0)
infoptr = Ptr{PortAudio.CallbackInfo{Float32}}(pointer_from_objref(info))
ret = PortAudio.portaudio_callback(inptr, outptr, nframes, C_NULL, flags, infoptr)
@test isa(ret, Cint)
@test ret == PortAudio.paContinue
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
@test outbuf == testout
read!(sourcebuf, testin)
@test inbuf == testin
2016-03-22 22:45:40 -04:00
# call again (underrun)
ret = PortAudio.portaudio_callback(inptr, outptr, nframes, C_NULL, flags, infoptr)
@test isa(ret, Cint)
@test ret == PortAudio.paContinue
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
@test outbuf == zeros(Float32, 24)
2016-03-22 22:45:40 -04:00
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
write(sinkbuf, testout) # fill the output ringbuffer
2016-03-22 22:45:40 -04:00
# test allocation
alloc = @allocated PortAudio.portaudio_callback(inptr, outptr, nframes, C_NULL, flags, infoptr)
@test alloc == 0
# now test allocation in underrun state
alloc = @allocated PortAudio.portaudio_callback(inptr, outptr, nframes, C_NULL, flags, infoptr)
@test alloc == 0
2016-03-20 05:09:56 -04:00
2016-03-22 22:45:40 -04:00
2016-03-23 23:25:03 -04:00
@testset "Open Default Device" begin
stream = PortAudioStream()
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
buf = read(stream, 0.001s)
@test size(buf) == (round(Int, 0.001s * samplerate(stream)), nchannels(stream.source))
2016-03-23 23:25:03 -04:00
write(stream, buf)
@testset "Open Device by name" begin
stream = PortAudioStream("Built-in Microph", "Built-in Output")
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
buf = read(stream, 0.001s)
@test size(buf) == (round(Int, 0.001s * samplerate(stream)), nchannels(stream.source))
2016-03-23 23:25:03 -04:00
write(stream, buf)
io = IOBuffer()
show(io, stream)
@test takebuf_string(io) == """
Samplerate: 48000 s⁻¹
Buffer Size: 4096 frames
2 channel sink: "Built-in Output"
2 channel source: "Built-in Microph\""""
@testset "Error on wrong name" begin
@test_throws ErrorException PortAudioStream("foobarbaz")
# no way to check that the right data is actually getting read or written here,
# but at least it's not crashing.
@testset "Queued Writing" begin
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
stream = PortAudioStream(0, 2)
buf = SampleBuf(rand(eltype(stream), 48000, nchannels(stream.sink)), samplerate(stream))
2016-03-23 23:25:03 -04:00
t1 = @async write(stream, buf)
t2 = @async write(stream, buf)
@test wait(t1) == 48000
@test wait(t2) == 48000
@testset "Queued Reading" begin
2016-07-29 01:44:02 -04:00
stream = PortAudioStream(2, 0)
2016-03-23 23:25:03 -04:00
buf = SampleBuf(rand(eltype(stream), 48000, nchannels(stream.source)), samplerate(stream))
t1 = @async read!(stream, buf)
t2 = @async read!(stream, buf)
@test wait(t1) == 48000
@test wait(t2) == 48000
2016-03-20 05:09:56 -04:00