callback creation/scheduling seems to be working

This commit is contained in:
Spencer Russell 2016-03-22 22:45:40 -04:00
parent bea06357b8
commit f02e733fe7
3 changed files with 258 additions and 228 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
module PortAudio module PortAudio
using SampleTypes using SampleTypes
@ -7,7 +9,7 @@ using Devectorize
include( "../deps/deps.jl") include( "../deps/deps.jl")
include("libportaudio.jl") include("libportaudio.jl")
export PortAudioSink, PortAudioSource export PortAudioStream, PortAudioSink, PortAudioSource
@ -15,27 +17,14 @@ function __init__()
# initialize PortAudio on module load # initialize PortAudio on module load
Pa_Initialize() Pa_Initialize()
global const portaudio_callback_float = # the portaudio callbacks are parametric on the sample type
cfunction(portaudio_callback, Cint, global const pa_callbacks = Dict{Type, Ptr{Void}}()
(Ptr{Float32}, Ptr{Float32}, Culong, Ptr{Void}, Culong,
Ptr{CallbackInfo{Float32}})) for T in (Float32, Int32, Int16, Int8, UInt8)
global const portaudio_callback_int32 = pa_callbacks[T] = cfunction(portaudio_callback, Cint,
cfunction(portaudio_callback, Cint, (Ptr{T}, Ptr{T}, Culong, Ptr{Void}, Culong,
(Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Int32}, Culong, Ptr{Void}, Culong, Ptr{CallbackInfo{T}}))
Ptr{CallbackInfo{Int32}})) end
# TODO: figure out how we're handling Int24
global const portaudio_callback_int16 =
cfunction(portaudio_callback, Cint,
(Ptr{Int16}, Ptr{Int16}, Culong, Ptr{Void}, Culong,
global const portaudio_callback_int8 =
cfunction(portaudio_callback, Cint,
(Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Int8}, Culong, Ptr{Void}, Culong,
global const portaudio_callback_uint8 =
cfunction(portaudio_callback, Cint,
(Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Culong, Ptr{Void}, Culong,
end end
function versioninfo(io::IO=STDOUT) function versioninfo(io::IO=STDOUT)
@ -71,12 +60,13 @@ devnames() = join(["\"$(\"" for dev in devices()], "\n")
function fieldptr{T}(obj::T, field::Symbol) function fieldptr{T}(obj::T, field::Symbol)
fieldnum = findfirst(fieldnames(T), field) fieldnum = findfirst(fieldnames(T), field)
offset = fieldoffsets(T)[fieldnum] offset = fieldoffsets(T)[fieldnum]
FT = fieldtype(T, field)
pointer_from_objref(obj) + offset Ptr{FT}(pointer_from_objref(obj) + offset)
end end
# Used to synchronize the portaudio callback and Julia task # Used to synchronize the portaudio callback and Julia task
@enum BufferState JuliaPending PortaudioPending @enum BufferState JuliaPending PortAudioPending
# we want this to be immutable so we can stack allocate it # we want this to be immutable so we can stack allocate it
immutable CallbackInfo{T} immutable CallbackInfo{T}
@ -90,50 +80,50 @@ end
# paramaterized on the sample type and sampling rate type # paramaterized on the sample type and sampling rate type
type PortAudioStream{T, U} type PortAudioStream{T, U}
samplerate::U samplerate::U
bufsize::Int bufsize::Int
sink # untyped because of circular type definition sink # untyped because of circular type definition
source # untyped because of circular type definition source # untyped because of circular type definition
taskwork::Base.SingleAsyncWork taskwork::Base.SingleAsyncWork
bufstate::BufferState # used to synchronize the portaudio and julia sides
bufinfo::CallbackInfo{T} # immutable data used in the portaudio callback
function PortAudioStream(T, stream, sr, inchans, outchans, bufsize, name) # this inner constructor is generally called via the top-level outer
this = new(stream, utf8(name), sr, bufsize) # constructor below
function PortAudioStream(indev::PortAudioDevice, outdev::PortAudioDevice,
sr, inchans, outchans, bufsize)
inparams = (inchans == 0) ?
Ptr{Pa_StreamParameters}(0) :
Ref(Pa_StreamParameters(indev.idx, inchans, type_to_fmt[T], 0.0, C_NULL))
outparams = (outchans == 0) ?
Ptr{Pa_StreamParameters}(0) :
Ref(Pa_StreamParameters(outdev.idx, outchans, type_to_fmt[T], 0.0, C_NULL))
this = new(sr, bufsize, C_NULL)
finalizer(this, close) finalizer(this, close)
this.sink = PortAudioSink{T, U}(this, outchans, bufsize) this.sink = PortAudioSink{T, U}(, this, outchans, bufsize)
this.source = PortAudioSource{T, U}(this, inchans, bufsize) this.source = PortAudioSource{T, U}(, this, inchans, bufsize)
this.taskwork = Base.SingleAsyncWork(data -> audiotask(this)) this.taskwork = Base.SingleAsyncWork(data -> audiotask(this))
inbuf = pointer_from_objref(this.source) + fieldoffsets(PortAudioSource)[]
this.bufstate = PortAudioPending this.bufstate = PortAudioPending
this.bufinfo = CallbackInfo(inchans, fieldptr(this.source, :pabuf), this.bufinfo = CallbackInfo(inchans, pointer(this.source.pabuf),
outchans, fieldptr(this.sink, :pabuf), outchans, pointer(this.sink.pabuf),
this.taskwork.handle, this.taskwork.handle,
fieldptr(this, bufstate)) fieldptr(this, :bufstate)) = Pa_OpenStream(inparams, outparams, float(sr), bufsize,
paNoFlag, pa_callbacks[T], fieldptr(this, :bufinfo))
Pa_StartStream(stream) Pa_StartStream(
this this
end end
end end
# this is the to-level outer constructor that all the other outer constructors
# end up calling
function PortAudioStream(indev::PortAudioDevice, outdev::PortAudioDevice, function PortAudioStream(indev::PortAudioDevice, outdev::PortAudioDevice,
eltype=Float32, sr=48000Hz, inchans=2, outchans=2, bufsize=DEFAULT_BUFSIZE) eltype=Float32, sr=48000Hz, inchans=2, outchans=2, bufsize=DEFAULT_BUFSIZE)
if inchans == 0 PortAudioStream{eltype, typeof(sr)}(indev, outdev, sr, inchans, outchans, bufsize)
inparams = Ptr{Pa_StreamParameters}(0)
inparams = Ref(Pa_StreamParameters(indev.idx, inchans, type_to_fmt[eltype], 0.0, C_NULL))
if outchans == 0
outparams = Ptr{Pa_StreamParameters}(0)
outparams = Ref(Pa_StreamParameters(outdev.idx, outchans, type_to_fmt[eltype], 0.0, C_NULL))
stream = Pa_OpenStream(inparams, outparams, float(sr), bufsize, paNoFlag)
PortAudioStream{eltype, typeof(sr)}(eltype, stream, sr, inchans, outchans, bufsize,
end end
function PortAudioStream(indevname::AbstractString, outdevname::AbstractString, args...) function PortAudioStream(indevname::AbstractString, outdevname::AbstractString, args...)
@ -161,37 +151,13 @@ end
PortAudioStream(device::PortAudioDevice, args...) = PortAudioStream(device, device, args...) PortAudioStream(device::PortAudioDevice, args...) = PortAudioStream(device, device, args...)
PortAudioStream(device::AbstractString, args...) = PortAudioStream(device, device, args...) PortAudioStream(device::AbstractString, args...) = PortAudioStream(device, device, args...)
# use the default input and output devices
function PortAudioStream(args...) function PortAudioStream(args...)
outidx = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice()
outdevice = PortAudioDevice(Pa_GetDeviceInfo(outidx), outidx)
inidx = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice() inidx = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice()
indevice = PortAudioDevice(Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inidx), inidx) indevice = PortAudioDevice(Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inidx), inidx)
PortAudioSink(indevice, outdevice, args...) outidx = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice()
end outdevice = PortAudioDevice(Pa_GetDeviceInfo(outidx), outidx)
PortAudioStream(indevice, outdevice, args...)
for (TypeName, Super) in ((:PortAudioSink, :SampleSink),
(:PortAudioSource, :SampleSource))
@eval type $TypeName{T, U} <: $Super
stream::PortAudioStream{T, U}
jlbuf::Array{T, 2}
pabuf::Array{T, 2}
function $TypeName(stream, channels, bufsize)
jlbuf = zeros(T, busize, channels)
pabuf = zeros(T, channels, bufsize)
new(stream, Condition[], jlbuf, pabuf)
# most of these methods are the same for Sources and Sinks, so define them on
# the union
typealias PortAudioStream{T, U} Union{PortAudioSink{T, U}, PortAudioSource{T, U}}
function{T <: PortAudioStream}(io::IO, stream::T)
println(io, T, "(\"",, "\")")
print(io, nchannels(stream), " channels sampled at ", samplerate(stream))
end end
function Base.close(stream::PortAudioStream) function Base.close(stream::PortAudioStream)
@ -202,99 +168,124 @@ function Base.close(stream::PortAudioStream)
end end
end end
SampleTypes.nchannels(stream::PortAudioStream) = size(stream.jlbuf, 2)
SampleTypes.samplerate(stream::PortAudioStream) = stream.samplerate SampleTypes.samplerate(stream::PortAudioStream) = stream.samplerate
Base.eltype{T, U}(::PortAudioStream{T, U}) = T
function SampleTypes.unsafe_write(sink::PortAudioSink, buf::SampleBuf) # Define our source and sink types
if sink.busy for (TypeName, Super) in ((:PortAudioSink, :SampleSink),
c = Condition() (:PortAudioSource, :SampleSource))
push!(sink.waiters, c) @eval type $TypeName{T, U} <: $Super
wait(c) name::UTF8String
shift!(sink.waiters) stream::PortAudioStream{T, U}
end waiters::Vector{Condition}
jlbuf::Array{T, 2}
pabuf::Array{T, 2}
total = nframes(buf) function $TypeName(name, stream, channels, bufsize)
written = 0 # portaudio data comes in interleaved, so we'll end up transposing
try # it back and forth to julia column-major
sink.busy = true jlbuf = zeros(T, bufsize, channels)
pabuf = zeros(T, channels, bufsize)
while written < total new(name, stream, Condition[], jlbuf, pabuf)
n = min(size(sink.pabuf, 2), total-written, Pa_GetStreamWriteAvailable(
bufstart = 1+written
bufend = n+written
@devec sink.jlbuf[1:n, :] = buf[bufstart:bufend, :]
transpose!(sink.pabuf, sink.jlbuf)
Pa_WriteStream(, sink.pabuf, n, false)
written += n
# make sure we release the busy flag even if the user ctrl-C'ed out
sink.busy = false
if length(sink.waiters) > 0
# let the next task in line go
end end
end end
end end
function SampleTypes.unsafe_read!(source::PortAudioSource, buf::SampleBuf) # function{T <: Union{PortAudioSink, PortAudioSource}}(io::IO, stream::T)
if source.busy # println(io, T, "(\"",, "\")")
c = Condition() # print(io, nchannels(stream), " channels sampled at ", samplerate(stream))
push!(source.waiters, c) # end
total = nframes(buf) SampleTypes.nchannels(s::Union{PortAudioSink, PortAudioSource}) = size(s.jlbuf, 2)
read = 0 SampleTypes.samplerate(s::Union{PortAudioSink, PortAudioSource}) = samplerate(
Base.eltype{T, U}(::Union{PortAudioSink{T, U}, PortAudioSource{T, U}}) = T
try # function SampleTypes.unsafe_write(sink::PortAudioSink, buf::SampleBuf)
source.busy = true # if sink.busy
# c = Condition()
# push!(sink.waiters, c)
# wait(c)
# shift!(sink.waiters)
# end
# total = nframes(buf)
# written = 0
# try
# sink.busy = true
# while written < total
# n = min(size(sink.pabuf, 2), total-written, Pa_GetStreamWriteAvailable(
# bufstart = 1+written
# bufend = n+written
# @devec sink.jlbuf[1:n, :] = buf[bufstart:bufend, :]
# transpose!(sink.pabuf, sink.jlbuf)
# Pa_WriteStream(, sink.pabuf, n, false)
# written += n
# end
# finally
# # make sure we release the busy flag even if the user ctrl-C'ed out
# sink.busy = false
# if length(sink.waiters) > 0
# # let the next task in line go
# notify(sink.waiters[1])
# end
# end
# written
# end
# function SampleTypes.unsafe_read!(source::PortAudioSource, buf::SampleBuf)
# if source.busy
# c = Condition()
# push!(source.waiters, c)
# wait(c)
# shift!(source.waiters)
# end
# total = nframes(buf)
# read = 0
# try
# source.busy = true
# while read < total
# n = min(size(source.pabuf, 2), total-read, Pa_GetStreamReadAvailable(
# Pa_ReadStream(, source.pabuf, n, false)
# transpose!(source.jlbuf, source.pabuf)
# bufstart = 1+read
# bufend = n+read
# @devec buf[bufstart:bufend, :] = source.jlbuf[1:n, :]
# read += n
# end
# finally
# source.busy = false
# if length(source.waiters) > 0
# # let the next task in line go
# notify(source.waiters[1])
# end
# end
# read
# end
while read < total # This is the callback function that gets called directly in the PortAudio
n = min(size(source.pabuf, 2), total-read, Pa_GetStreamReadAvailable( # audio thread, so it's critical that it not interact with the Julia GC
Pa_ReadStream(, source.pabuf, n, false)
transpose!(source.jlbuf, source.pabuf)
bufstart = 1+read
bufend = n+read
@devec buf[bufstart:bufend, :] = source.jlbuf[1:n, :]
read += n
source.busy = false
if length(source.waiters) > 0
# let the next task in line go
"""This is the callback function that gets called directly in the PortAudio
audio thread, so it's critical that it not interact with the Julia GC"""
function portaudio_callback{T}(inptr::Ptr{T}, outptr::Ptr{T}, function portaudio_callback{T}(inptr::Ptr{T}, outptr::Ptr{T},
nframes, timeinfo, flags, userdata::Ptr{Ptr{Void}}) nframes, timeinfo, flags, userdata::Ptr{CallbackInfo{T}})
infoptr = Ptr{BufferInfo{T}}(unsafe_load(userdata, 1)) info = unsafe_load(userdata)
info = unsafe_load(infoptr)
bufstateptr = Ptr{BufferState}(unsafe_load(userdata, 2))
bufstate = unsafe_load(bufstateptr)
if(bufstate != PortAudioPending) if(unsafe_load(info.bufstate) != PortAudioPending)
# xrun, copy zeros to outbuffer # xrun, copy zeros to outbuffer
memset(info.outbuf, 0, sizeof(T)*nframes*info.outchannels) memset(outptr, 0, sizeof(T)*nframes*info.outchannels)
return return paContinue
end end
unsafe_copy!(info.inbuf, inptr, nframes * info.inchannels) unsafe_copy!(info.inbuf, inptr, nframes * info.inchannels)
unsafe_copy!(outptr, info.outbuf, nframes * info.outchannels) unsafe_copy!(outptr, info.outbuf, nframes * info.outchannels)
unsafe_store!(bufstateptr, JuliaPending)
unsafe_store!(info.bufstate, JuliaPending)
# notify the julia audio task # notify the julia audio task
ccall(:uv_async_send, Void, (Ptr{Void},), info.taskhandle) ccall(:uv_async_send, Void, (Ptr{Void},), info.taskhandle)
@ -305,21 +296,18 @@ end
# as of portaudio 19.20140130 (which is the HomeBrew version as of 20160319) # as of portaudio 19.20140130 (which is the HomeBrew version as of 20160319)
# noninterleaved data is not supported for the read/write interface on OSX # noninterleaved data is not supported for the read/write interface on OSX
# so we need to use another buffer to interleave (transpose) # so we need to use another buffer to interleave (transpose)
function audiotask{T}(userdata::Ptr{Ptr{Void}}) function audiotask{T, U}(stream::PortAudioStream{T, U})
infoptr = Ptr{BufferInfo{T}}(unsafe_load(userdata, 1)) if stream.bufstate != JuliaPending
info = unsafe_load(infoptr)
bufstateptr = Ptr{BufferState}(unsafe_load(userdata, 2))
bufstate = unsafe_load(bufstateptr)
if info.bufstate != JuliaPending
return return
end end
unsafe_store!(bufstateptr, PortaudioPending) # do stuff
end # module PortAudio stream.bufstate = PortAudioPending
memset(buf, val, count) = ccall(:memset, Ptr{Void}, memset(buf, val, count) = ccall(:memset, Ptr{Void},
(Ptr{Void}, Cint, Csize_t), (Ptr{Void}, Cint, Csize_t),
buf, val, count) buf, val, count)
end # module PortAudio

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@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ const type_to_fmt = Dict{Type, PaSampleFormat}(
typealias PaStreamCallbackResult Cint typealias PaStreamCallbackResult Cint
# Callback return values # Callback return values
const paContinue 0 const paContinue = PaStreamCallbackResult(0)
const paComplete 1 const paComplete = PaStreamCallbackResult(1)
const paAbort 2 const paAbort = PaStreamCallbackResult(2)
function Pa_Initialize() function Pa_Initialize()
err = ccall((:Pa_Initialize, libportaudio), PaError, ()) err = ccall((:Pa_Initialize, libportaudio), PaError, ())

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@ -7,67 +7,109 @@ using SampleTypes
# these test are currently set up to run on OSX # these test are currently set up to run on OSX
@testset "PortAudio Tests" begin @testset "PortAudio Tests" begin
@testset "Reports version" begin # @testset "Reports version" begin
io = IOBuffer() # io = IOBuffer()
PortAudio.versioninfo(io) # PortAudio.versioninfo(io)
result = takebuf_string(io) # result = takebuf_string(io)
# make sure this is the same version I tested with # # make sure this is the same version I tested with
@test result == # @test result ==
"""PortAudio V19-devel (built Aug 6 2014 17:54:39) # """PortAudio V19-devel (built Aug 6 2014 17:54:39)
Version Number: 1899 # Version Number: 1899
""" # """
end # end
@testset "Open Default Device" begin @testset "PortAudio Callback works and doesn't allocate" begin
devs = PortAudio.devices() inbuf = rand(Float32, 2, 8)
source = PortAudioSource() outbuf = Array(Float32, 2, 8)
sink = PortAudioSink() sinkbuf = rand(Float32, 2, 8)
buf = read(source, 0.1s) sourcebuf = Array(Float32, 2, 8)
@test size(buf) == (round(Int, 0.1s * samplerate(source)), nchannels(source)) state = Ref(PortAudio.PortAudioPending)
write(sink, buf) work = Base.SingleAsyncWork(data -> nothing)
close(sink) info = PortAudio.CallbackInfo(2, pointer(sourcebuf),
end 2, pointer(sinkbuf),
@testset "Open Device by name" begin work.handle,
devs = PortAudio.devices() Ptr{PortAudio.BufferState}(pointer_from_objref(state)))
source = PortAudioSource("Built-in Microph")
sink = PortAudioSink("Built-in Output") # handle any conversions here so they don't mess with the allocation
buf = read(source, 0.1s) inptr = pointer(inbuf)
@test size(buf) == (round(Int, 0.1s * samplerate(source)), nchannels(source)) outptr = pointer(outbuf)
write(sink, buf) nframes = Culong(8)
io = IOBuffer() flags = Culong(0)
show(io, source) infoptr = Ptr{PortAudio.CallbackInfo{Float32}}(pointer_from_objref(info))
@test takebuf_string(io) ==
"""PortAudio.PortAudioSource{Float32,SIUnits.SIQuantity{Int64,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0}}("Built-in Microph") ret = PortAudio.portaudio_callback(inptr, outptr, nframes, C_NULL, flags, infoptr)
2 channels sampled at 48000 s⁻¹""" @test isa(ret, Cint)
show(io, sink) @test ret == PortAudio.paContinue
@test takebuf_string(io) == @test outbuf == sinkbuf
"""PortAudio.PortAudioSink{Float32,SIUnits.SIQuantity{Int64,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0}}("Built-in Output") @test inbuf == sourcebuf
2 channels sampled at 48000 s⁻¹""" @test state[] == PortAudio.JuliaPending
close(sink) # call again (underrun)
end ret = PortAudio.portaudio_callback(inptr, outptr, nframes, C_NULL, flags, infoptr)
@testset "Error on wrong name" begin @test isa(ret, Cint)
@test_throws ErrorException PortAudioSource("foobarbaz") @test ret == PortAudio.paContinue
@test_throws ErrorException PortAudioSink("foobarbaz") @test outbuf == zeros(Float32, 2, 8)
# no way to check that the right data is actually getting read or written here, # test allocation
# but at least it's not crashing. state[] = PortAudio.PortAudioPending
@testset "Queued Writing" begin alloc = @allocated PortAudio.portaudio_callback(inptr, outptr, nframes, C_NULL, flags, infoptr)
sink = PortAudioSink() @test alloc == 0
buf = SampleBuf(rand(eltype(sink), 48000, nchannels(sink))*0.1, samplerate(sink)) # now test allocation in underrun state
t1 = @async write(sink, buf) alloc = @allocated PortAudio.portaudio_callback(inptr, outptr, nframes, C_NULL, flags, infoptr)
t2 = @async write(sink, buf) @test alloc == 0
@test wait(t1) == 48000
@test wait(t2) == 48000
@testset "Queued Reading" begin
source = PortAudioSource()
buf = SampleBuf(rand(eltype(source), 48000, nchannels(source)), samplerate(source))
t1 = @async read!(source, buf)
t2 = @async read!(source, buf)
@test wait(t1) == 48000
@test wait(t2) == 48000
end end
# @testset "Open Default Device" begin
# devs = PortAudio.devices()
# source = PortAudioSource()
# sink = PortAudioSink()
# buf = read(source, 0.1s)
# @test size(buf) == (round(Int, 0.1s * samplerate(source)), nchannels(source))
# write(sink, buf)
# close(source)
# close(sink)
# end
# @testset "Open Device by name" begin
# devs = PortAudio.devices()
# source = PortAudioSource("Built-in Microph")
# sink = PortAudioSink("Built-in Output")
# buf = read(source, 0.1s)
# @test size(buf) == (round(Int, 0.1s * samplerate(source)), nchannels(source))
# write(sink, buf)
# io = IOBuffer()
# show(io, source)
# @test takebuf_string(io) ==
# """PortAudio.PortAudioSource{Float32,SIUnits.SIQuantity{Int64,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0}}("Built-in Microph")
# 2 channels sampled at 48000 s⁻¹"""
# show(io, sink)
# @test takebuf_string(io) ==
# """PortAudio.PortAudioSink{Float32,SIUnits.SIQuantity{Int64,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0}}("Built-in Output")
# 2 channels sampled at 48000 s⁻¹"""
# close(source)
# close(sink)
# end
# @testset "Error on wrong name" begin
# @test_throws ErrorException PortAudioSource("foobarbaz")
# @test_throws ErrorException PortAudioSink("foobarbaz")
# end
# # no way to check that the right data is actually getting read or written here,
# # but at least it's not crashing.
# @testset "Queued Writing" begin
# sink = PortAudioSink()
# buf = SampleBuf(rand(eltype(sink), 48000, nchannels(sink))*0.1, samplerate(sink))
# t1 = @async write(sink, buf)
# t2 = @async write(sink, buf)
# @test wait(t1) == 48000
# @test wait(t2) == 48000
# close(sink)
# end
# @testset "Queued Reading" begin
# source = PortAudioSource()
# buf = SampleBuf(rand(eltype(source), 48000, nchannels(source)), samplerate(source))
# t1 = @async read!(source, buf)
# t2 = @async read!(source, buf)
# @test wait(t1) == 48000
# @test wait(t2) == 48000
# close(source)
# end
end end