VERSION >= v"0.7.0-" && using InteractiveUtils versioninfo() if VERSION < v"0.7.0-" Pkg.clone(pwd(), "PortAudio")"PortAudio") # for now we need SampledSignals and RingBuffers master Pkg.checkout("SampledSignals") Pkg.checkout("RingBuffers") else using Pkg # for now we need to `clone` because there's no way to specify the # package name for `add` #Pkg.clone(pwd(), "PortAudio")"PortAudio") Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name="SampledSignals", rev="master")) Pkg.add(PackageSpec(name="RingBuffers", rev="master")) end # add test deps manually because we'll be running test/runtests.jl manually #Pkg.add("Compat")