Some possible API concepts for dealing with files ================================================= Notes ----- * requires libflac for flac decoding Use Cases --------- * Play a file through the speakers * Use a file as input to an AudioNode for processing * Read a file into an array * Write an array into a file * Write the output of an AudioNode to a file IOStream API ------------ * users use standard julia "open" function to create an IOStream object * FilePlayer <: AudioNode takes an IOStream and uses `sf_open_fd` to open and play * play(io::IOStream) creates a FilePlayer and plays it (just like ArrayPlayer) * FileStream ### Play a file through the speakers sndfile = open("myfile.wav") play(sndfile) close(sndfile) ### Use a file as input to an AudioNode for processing sndfile = open("myfile.wav") # maybe FilePlayer also takes a string input for convenience node = FilePlayer(sndfile) mixer = AudioMixer([node]) # etc. ### Read a file into an array # TODO ### Write an array into a file # TODO ### Write the output of an AudioNode to a file node = SinOsc(440) # ??? Separate Open Function API -------------------------- * users use an explicit `` function to open sound files * `` takes mode arguments just like the regular julia `open` function * `` returns a AudioFile instance. ### Play a file through the speakers sndfile ="myfile.wav") play(sndfile) close(sndfile) or play("myfile.wav") ### Use a file as input to an AudioNode for processing sndfile ="myfile.wav") # FilePlayer also can take a string filename for convenience node = FilePlayer(sndfile) mixer = AudioMixer([node]) # etc. ### Read a file into an array sndfile ="myfile.wav") vec = read(sndfile) # takes an optional arg for number of frames to read close(sndfile) ### Write an array into a file sndfile ="myfile.wav", "w") #TODO: need to specify format vec = rand(Float32, 441000) # 10 seconds of noise write(sndfile, vec) close(sndfile) ### Write the output of an AudioNode to a file sndfile ="myfile.wav", "w") #TODO: need to specify format node = SinOsc(440) write(sndfile, node, 44100) # record 1 second, optional block_size # note that write() can handle sample depth conversions, and render() is # called with the sampling rate of the file close(sndfile)