#!/usr/bin/env julia test_regex = r"^test_.*\.jl$" test_dir = "test" test_files = filter(n -> ismatch(test_regex, n), readdir(test_dir)) if length(test_files) == 0 error("No test files found. Make sure you're running from the root directory") end # convenience function to calculate the mean-squared error function mse(arr1::Array, arr2::Array) @assert length(arr1) == length(arr2) N = length(arr1) err = 0.0 for i in 1:N err += (arr2[i] - arr1[i])^2 end err /= N end for test_file in test_files info("") info("Running tests from \"$(test_file)\"...") info("===================================================================") include(test_file) info("===================================================================") end