61 lines
2.7 KiB
61 lines
2.7 KiB
function init_pa_shim()
libdir = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "..", "deps", "usr", "lib")
libsuffix = ""
basename = "pa_shim"
@static if is_linux() && Sys.ARCH == :x86_64
libsuffix = "x86_64-linux-gnu"
elseif is_linux() && Sys.ARCH == :i686
libsuffix = "i686-linux-gnu"
elseif is_apple() && Sys.ARCH == :x86_64
libsuffix = "x86_64-apple-darwin14"
elseif is_windows() && Sys.ARCH == :x86_64
libsuffix = "x86_64-w64-mingw32"
elseif is_windows() && Sys.ARCH == :i686
libsuffix = "i686-w64-mingw32"
elseif !any(
(sfx) -> isfile(joinpath(libdir, "$basename.$sfx")),
("so", "dll", "dylib"))
error("Unsupported platform $(Sys.MACHINE). You can build your own library by running `make` from $(joinpath(@__FILE__, "..", "deps", "src"))")
# if there's a suffix-less library, it was built natively on this machine,
# so load that one first, otherwise load the pre-built one
global const libpa_shim = Base.Libdl.find_library(
[basename, "$(basename)_$libsuffix"],
libpa_shim == "" && error("Could not load $basename library, please file an issue at https://github.com/JuliaAudio/RingBuffers.jl/issues with your `versioninfo()` output")
shim_dlib = Libdl.dlopen(libpa_shim)
# pointer to the shim's process callback
global const shim_processcb_c = Libdl.dlsym(shim_dlib, :pa_shim_processcb)
if shim_processcb_c == C_NULL
error("Got NULL pointer loading `pa_shim_processcb`")
const pa_shim_errmsg_t = Cint
const PA_SHIM_ERRMSG_OVERFLOW = Cint(0) # input overflow
const PA_SHIM_ERRMSG_UNDERFLOW = Cint(1) # output underflow
const PA_SHIM_ERRMSG_ERR_OVERFLOW = Cint(2) # error buffer overflowed
# This struct is shared with pa_shim.c
mutable struct pa_shim_info_t
inputbuf::Ptr{PaUtilRingBuffer} # ringbuffer for input
outputbuf::Ptr{PaUtilRingBuffer} # ringbuffer for output
errorbuf::Ptr{PaUtilRingBuffer} # ringbuffer to send error notifications
sync::Cint # keep input/output ring buffers synchronized (0/1)
notifycb::Ptr{Void} # Julia callback to notify on updates (called from audio thread)
inputhandle::Ptr{Void} # condition to notify on new input data
outputhandle::Ptr{Void} # condition to notify when ready for output
errorhandle::Ptr{Void} # condition to notify on new errors
Return the sha256 hash(as a string) of the source file used to build the shim.
We may use this sometime to verify that the distributed binary stays in sync
with the rest of the package.
shimhash() = unsafe_string(
ccall((:pa_shim_getsourcehash, libpa_shim), Cstring, ()))
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Void}}, info::pa_shim_info_t) = pointer_from_objref(info)