ISM refactor
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 28 additions and 111 deletions
@ -36,26 +36,12 @@ function ISM(
h = ISM_RectangularRoom_core(
tx.position, # transmitter position
tx.directivity, # transmitter directivity pattern
tx.B, # transmitter orientation
rx.position, # receiver position
rx.directivity, # receiver directivity pattern
rx.B, # receiver orientation
room.L, # room size
room.β, # reflection coefficients
room.c, # velocity of the sound
config.fs, # sampling frequency
config.order, # order of reflections
config.N, # length of response
config.Wd, # single impulse width
config.isd, # random image source displacement
config.lrng, # Local random number generator
h = config.N
ISM!(h, tx, rx, room, config)
if config.hp
return AllenBerkley_highpass100(h, config.fs)
# TODO: Tego nie ma w ISM!
# TODO: Zmień to na funkcie operującą na zaalokowanym już h
# AllenBerkley_highpass100!(h, config.fs)
# return h
@ -64,52 +50,6 @@ function ISM(
function ISM_RectangularRoom_core(
tx_p::SVector{3,T}, # transmitter position
tx_dp::AbstractDirectivityPattern, # transmitter directivity pattern
tx_B::SMatrix{3,3,T}, # receiver orientation
rx_p::SVector{3,T}, # reveiver position
rx_dp::AbstractDirectivityPattern, # receiver directivity pattern
rx_B::SMatrix{3,3,T}, # receiver orientation
L::Tuple{T,T,T}, # room size (Lx, Ly, Lz)
β::Tuple{T,T,T,T,T,T}, # reflection coefficients (βx1, βx2, βy1, βy2, βz1, βz2)
c::T, # velocity of the wave
fs::T, # sampling frequeyncy
order::Tuple{I,I}, # order of reflections; (min, max)
Nh::Integer, # number of returned samples
Wd::T, # window width
ISD::T, # random displacement of image source
lrng::AbstractRNG # random number generator
)::AbstractVector{T} where {T<:AbstractFloat, I<:Integer}
# Allocate memory for the impulose response
h = zeros(T, Nh)
# Call
h, # container for impulse response
tx_p, # transmitter position
tx_dp, # transmitter directivity pattern
tx_B, # transmitter orientation
rx_p, # receiver position
rx_dp, # receiver directivity pattern
rx_B, # receiver orientation
L, # room size
β, # reflection coefficients
c, # velocity of the sound
fs, # sampling frequency
order, # order of reflections
Wd, # single impulse width
ISD, # random image source displacement
lrng, # Local random number generator
@ -118,42 +58,32 @@ References:
[3] E. De Sena, N. Antonello, M. Moonen, and T. van Waterschoot, “On the Modeling of Rectangular Geometries in Room Acoustic Simulations,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 23, no. 4, Art. no. 4, Apr. 2015, doi: 10.1109/TASLP.2015.2405476.
[4] F. Brinkmann, V. Erbes, and S. Weinzierl, “Extending the closed form image source model for source directivity,” presented at the DAGA 2018, Munich, Germany, Mar. 2018.
function ISM_RectangularRoom_core!(
h::AbstractVector{<:T}, # container for impulse reponse
tx_p::SVector{3,T}, # transmitter position
tx_dp::AbstractDirectivityPattern, # transmitter directivity pattern
tx_B::SMatrix{3,3,T}, # transmitter orientation
rx_p::SVector{3,T}, # reveiver position
rx_dp::AbstractDirectivityPattern, # receiver directivity pattern
rx_B::SMatrix{3,3,T}, # receiver orientation
L::Tuple{T,T,T}, # room size (Lx, Ly, Lz)
β::Tuple{T,T,T,T,T,T}, # Reflection coefficients (βx1, βx2, βy1, βy2, βz1, βz2)
c::T, # velocity of the wave
fs::T, # sampling frequeyncy
order::Tuple{I,I}, # order of reflections; min max
Wd::T, # Window width
ISD::T, # Random displacement of image source position
lrng::AbstractRNG; # random number generator
) where {T<:AbstractFloat, I<:Integer}
function ISM!(
) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
# Number of samples in impulse response
Nh = length(h)
# Samples to distance coefficient [m]
Γ = c / fs
Γ = room.c / config.fs
# Transform size of the room from meters to samples
Lₛ = L ./ Γ
Lₛ = room.L ./ Γ
# Impulse parameters
Δt = 1 / fs
ω = 2π / Wd
twid = π * fs
Δt = 1 / config.fs
ω = 2π / config.Wd
twid = π * config.fs
# Compute maximal wall reflection
N = ceil.(Int, Nh ./ (2 .* Lₛ))
o_min, o_max = order
o_min, o_max = config.order
# Allocate memory
rd = @MVector zeros(T, 3) # Container for random displacement
@ -166,7 +96,7 @@ function ISM_RectangularRoom_core!(
# Main loop
for n = -N[1]:N[1], l = -N[2]:N[2], m = -N[3]:N[3]
r = (n, l, m) # Wall reflection indicator
Rr = 2 .* r .* L # Wall lattice
Rr = 2 .* r .* room.L # Wall lattice
for q ∈ 0:1, j ∈ 0:1, k ∈ 0:1
p = @SVector [q, j, k] # Permutation tuple
@ -176,48 +106,48 @@ function ISM_RectangularRoom_core!(
if o_min <= o && (o <= o_max || o_max == -1)
# Compute Rp part
for i = 1:3
Rp[i] = (1 .- 2 * p[i]) * tx_p[i] - rx_p[i]
Rp[i] = (1 .- 2 * p[i]) * tx.position[i] - rx.position[i]
# image source position for given permutation
isp .= Rp .+ Rr
if ISD > 0.0 && o > 0
if config.isd > 0.0 && o > 0
# generate random displacement for the image source
randn!(lrng, rd)
isp .+= rd .* ISD
randn!(config.lrng, rd)
isp .+= rd .* config.isd
# Distance between receiver and image source
d = norm(isp)
# Propagation time between receiver and image source
τ = d / c
τ = d / room.c
if τ <= Nh / fs # Check if it still in transfer function rangΩ
if τ <= Nh / config.fs # Check if it still in transfer function rangΩ
# Compute value of reflection coefficients
b .= β .^ abs.((n - q, n, l - j, l, m - k, m))
b .= room.β .^ abs.((n - q, n, l - j, l, m - k, m))
# Direction of Arrival of ray incoming from image source to receiver
rx_DoA .= isp ./ d
# Compute receiver directivity gain
rx_DG = directivity_pattern(SVector{3}(rx_DoA), rx_B, rx_dp)
rx_DG = directivity_pattern(SVector{3}(rx_DoA), rx.B, rx.directivity)
# Direction of Arrival of ray coming out from transmitter to wall
perm = (abs(n - q) + abs(n), abs(l - j) + abs(l), abs(m - k) + abs(m))
tx_DoA .= -rx_DoA .* (-1, -1, -1).^perm
# Compute transmitter directivity gain
tx_DG = directivity_pattern(SVector{3}(tx_DoA), tx_B, tx_dp)
tx_DG = directivity_pattern(SVector{3}(tx_DoA), tx.B, tx.directivity)
# Compute attenuation coefficient
A = tx_DG * rx_DG * prod(b) / (4π * d)
# Compute range of samples in transfer function
i_s = max(ceil(Int, (τ - Wd / 2) * fs) + 1, 1) # start
i_e = min(floor(Int, (τ + Wd / 2) * fs) + 1, Nh) # end
i_s = max(ceil(Int, (τ - config.Wd / 2) * config.fs) + 1, 1) # start
i_e = min(floor(Int, (τ + config.Wd / 2) * config.fs) + 1, Nh) # end
# Insert yet another impulse into transfer function
for i ∈ i_s:i_e
@ -29,19 +29,6 @@ abstract type AbstractRIRConfig end
lrng::R = GLOBAL_RNG # Local randon number generator
function ISMConfig(
order=(0, -1),
ISMConfig(order, fs, N, Wd, hp, isd, lrng)
struct Node{T<:Real}
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