Julia package for room acoustic modeling.
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RoomAcoustics.jl is a Julia package for acoustics simulations of the rooms.

] add RoomAcoustics

Currently, supported methods:

  • Fast Image Source method for rectangular (shoebox) rooms
  • Transmitter and receiver directivity pattern support


using RoomAcoustics
using RoomAcoustics.TxRxModels

sampling_rate = 16e3
c = 343.0 # Wave propagation velocity

room = let
    L = (10.0, 5.0, 3.0)
    β = fill(0.55, 6) |> Tuple
    RectangularRoom(c, L, β)

rir_config = let
    h_len = convert(Int, sampling_rate * 0.50)
    ISMConfig((0, -1), sampling_rate, h_len)

rx = [2.2, 4.1, 1.6] |> TxRx
tx = [2.2, 4.1, 1.7] |> TxRx

h = ISM(tx, rx, room, rir_config)