# STFT.jl [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-stable-blue.svg)](https://docs.zymon.org/STFT.jl/) `STFT.jl` is a Julia package implementing Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) routines. It provides signal analysis (time-domain signal to STFT-domain signal; stft) and signal synthesis (STFT-domain siganl to time-domain signal; istft). # Examples ```julia import STFT x = rand(10000) # Generate mock signal W = 64 # Window length w = ones(W) # Rectangular analysis window H = 10 # Hop L = W - H # Overlap X = STFT.analysis(x, w, L) # Analysis # Compute spectogram of the signal spectogram = abs2.(X) # X = f(X) # Modify STFT-domain signal # Reconsturction xr = STFT.synthesis(X, w, L) # Synthesis ```