dropped allocation on SinOsc{AudioNode}
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 38 additions and 30 deletions
@ -54,15 +54,21 @@ end
function render(node::SinOscRenderer{AudioNode}, device_input::AudioBuf,
freq = render(node.freq, device_input, info)
freq = render(node.freq, device_input, info)::AudioBuf
block_size = min(length(freq), info.buf_size)
outbuf = Array(AudioSample, block_size)
if(length(node.buf) != block_size)
resize!(node.buf, block_size)
outbuf = node.buf
phase = node.phase
dt = 1/(info.sample_rate)
for i in 1:block_size
phase::Float32 = node.phase
pi2::Float32 = 2pi
phase_step::Float32 = 2pi/(info.sample_rate)
i::Int = 1
while i <= block_size
outbuf[i] = sin(phase)
phase += 2pi*dt*freq[i]
phase = (phase + phase_step*freq[i]) % pi2
i += 1
node.phase = phase
return outbuf
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ render_output = render(mix, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == AudioSample[]
# TODO: I think we can do better than this
const FLOAT_THRESH = 1e-9
const MSE_THRESH = 1e-7
info("Testing SinOSC...")
freq = 440
@ -64,34 +64,36 @@ t = linspace(0, 1, test_info.sample_rate+1)
test_vect = convert(AudioBuf, sin(2pi * t * freq))
osc = SinOsc(freq)
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output, test_vect[1:test_info.buf_size]) < FLOAT_THRESH
@test mse(render_output, test_vect[1:test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output,
test_vect[test_info.buf_size+1:2*test_info.buf_size]) < FLOAT_THRESH
test_vect[test_info.buf_size+1:2*test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
@test 200 > (@allocated render(osc, dev_input, test_info))
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == AudioSample[]
#info("Testing SinOsc with signal input")
#t = linspace(0, 1, test_info.sample_rate+1)
#f = 440 .- t .* (440-110)
#dt = 1 / test_info.sample_rate
## NOTE - this treats the phase as constant at each sample, which isn't strictly
## true. Unfortunately doing this correctly requires knowing more about the
## modulating signal and doing the real integral
#phase = cumsum(2pi * dt .* f)
#unshift!(phase, 0)
#expected = convert(AudioBuf, sin(phase))
#freq = LinRamp(440, 110, 1)
#osc = SinOsc(freq)
#render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
#@test mse(render_output, expected[1:test_info.buf_size]) < FLOAT_THRESH
#render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
#@test mse(render_output,
# expected[test_info.buf_size+1:2*test_info.buf_size]) < FLOAT_THRESH
##@test 400 > (@allocated render(osc, dev_input, test_info))
info("Testing SinOsc with signal input")
t = linspace(0, 1, test_info.sample_rate+1)
f = 440 .- t .* (440-110)
dt = 1 / test_info.sample_rate
# NOTE - this treats the phase as constant at each sample, which isn't strictly
# true. Unfortunately doing this correctly requires knowing more about the
# modulating signal and doing the real integral
phase = cumsum(2pi * dt .* f)
unshift!(phase, 0)
expected = convert(AudioBuf, sin(phase))
freq = LinRamp(440, 110, 1)
osc = SinOsc(freq)
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output, expected[1:test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output,
expected[test_info.buf_size+1:2*test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
# give a bigger budget here because we're rendering 2 nodes
println("alloc: ", @allocated render(osc, dev_input, test_info))
@test 500 > (@allocated render(osc, dev_input, test_info))
info("Testing ArrayPlayer...")
v = rand(AudioSample, 44100)
@ -121,8 +123,8 @@ info("Testing LinRamp...")
ramp = LinRamp(0.25, 0.80, 1)
expected = convert(AudioBuf, linspace(0.25, 0.80, test_info.sample_rate+1))
render_output = render(ramp, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output, expected[1:test_info.buf_size]) < FLOAT_THRESH
@test mse(render_output, expected[1:test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
render_output = render(ramp, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output,
expected[(test_info.buf_size+1):(2*test_info.buf_size)]) < FLOAT_THRESH
expected[(test_info.buf_size+1):(2*test_info.buf_size)]) < MSE_THRESH
@test 300 > (@allocated render(ramp, dev_input, test_info))
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