2014-06-25 22:40:23 -04:00

130 lines
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using Base.Test
using AudioIO
import AudioIO.AudioSample
import AudioIO.AudioBuf
import AudioIO.AudioRenderer
import AudioIO.AudioNode
import AudioIO.DeviceInfo
import AudioIO.render
# A TestNode just renders out 1:buf_size each frame
type TestRenderer <: AudioRenderer end
typealias TestNode AudioNode{TestRenderer}
TestNode() = TestNode(TestRenderer())
function render(node::TestRenderer,
return AudioSample[1:info.buf_size]
test_info = DeviceInfo(44100, 512)
dev_input = zeros(AudioSample, test_info.buf_size)
#### AudioMixer Tests ####
# TODO: there should be a setup/teardown mechanism and some way to isolate
# tests
info("Testing AudioMixer...")
mix = AudioMixer()
render_output = render(mix, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == AudioSample[]
testnode = TestNode()
mix = AudioMixer([testnode])
render_output = render(mix, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == AudioSample[1:test_info.buf_size]
test1 = TestNode()
test2 = TestNode()
mix = AudioMixer([test1, test2])
render_output = render(mix, dev_input, test_info)
# make sure the two inputs are being added together
@test render_output == 2 * AudioSample[1:test_info.buf_size]
# now we'll stop one of the inputs and make sure it gets removed
render_output = render(mix, dev_input, test_info)
# make sure the two inputs are being added together
@test render_output == AudioSample[1:test_info.buf_size]
render_output = render(mix, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == AudioSample[]
# TODO: I think we can do better than this
const MSE_THRESH = 1e-7
info("Testing SinOSC...")
freq = 440
# note that this range includes the end, which is why there are sample_rate+1 samples
t = linspace(0, 1, test_info.sample_rate+1)
test_vect = convert(AudioBuf, sin(2pi * t * freq))
osc = SinOsc(freq)
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output, test_vect[1:test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output,
test_vect[test_info.buf_size+1:2*test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
@test 200 > (@allocated render(osc, dev_input, test_info))
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == AudioSample[]
info("Testing SinOsc with signal input")
t = linspace(0, 1, test_info.sample_rate+1)
f = 440 .- t .* (440-110)
dt = 1 / test_info.sample_rate
# NOTE - this treats the phase as constant at each sample, which isn't strictly
# true. Unfortunately doing this correctly requires knowing more about the
# modulating signal and doing the real integral
phase = cumsum(2pi * dt .* f)
unshift!(phase, 0)
expected = convert(AudioBuf, sin(phase))
freq = LinRamp(440, 110, 1)
osc = SinOsc(freq)
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output, expected[1:test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
render_output = render(osc, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output,
expected[test_info.buf_size+1:2*test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
# give a bigger budget here because we're rendering 2 nodes
println("alloc: ", @allocated render(osc, dev_input, test_info))
@test 500 > (@allocated render(osc, dev_input, test_info))
info("Testing ArrayPlayer...")
v = rand(AudioSample, 44100)
player = ArrayPlayer(v)
render_output = render(player, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == v[1:test_info.buf_size]
render_output = render(player, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == v[(test_info.buf_size + 1) : (2*test_info.buf_size)]
render_output = render(player, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == AudioSample[]
# give a vector just a bit larger than 1 buffer size
v = rand(AudioSample, test_info.buf_size + 1)
player = ArrayPlayer(v)
render(player, dev_input, test_info)
render_output = render(player, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == v[test_info.buf_size+1:end]
info("Testing Gain...")
gained = TestNode() * 0.75
render_output = render(gained, dev_input, test_info)
@test render_output == 0.75 * AudioSample[1:test_info.buf_size]
info("Testing LinRamp...")
ramp = LinRamp(0.25, 0.80, 1)
expected = convert(AudioBuf, linspace(0.25, 0.80, test_info.sample_rate+1))
render_output = render(ramp, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output, expected[1:test_info.buf_size]) < MSE_THRESH
render_output = render(ramp, dev_input, test_info)
@test mse(render_output,
expected[(test_info.buf_size+1):(2*test_info.buf_size)]) < MSE_THRESH
@test 300 > (@allocated render(ramp, dev_input, test_info))